Thursday 23 February 2017

How to Encourage the Use of Puns Jokes

To many people, puns are used only when one decides to be sarcastic. Not many people know that you can use puns when you are trying to show that you have a sense of humor. There are many cases today when one see puns jokes in different write-ups and is able to relate to the use of puns in such cases. Most times, it is a very effective way to relax the mind of your reader especially when the story is becoming very revelational. When you are able to pose such surprises at times, people get so interested in reading whatever it is you wrote to completion.
It is very true if one says that the use of puns is only becoming popular lately and that there is need to promote its use. This need arises from the fact that a lot of people are currently condemning its use for jokes. This condemnation is burned out of ignorance or lack of understanding. So, the first thing to do to promote puns jokes is to enlighten people more about what puns are, how it is used, and what it used for. It should be taught in school and various means should be used to communicate its importance to people.
While trying to sensitize people about the use of puns for cracking jokes, it will be very good if visuals can be used, as it will pass the message better. Puns should be taught in schools right from elementary school so that students will become used to it while they become more knowledgeable in the use of literary devices. This will make its use more popular and then people can easily understand whether it is used for jokes or sarcastically. Promotion of the use of puns for cracking jokes is indeed very important if it will become generally acceptable to all.

For more information visit here

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