Sunday 21 February 2016

If not corrected with pillow hole in infancy flat head condition will stay forever

The condition of flat head in infants is called positional plagiocephaly. This condition in your baby can cause you a concern though it is just a minor and cosmetic one. Nevertheless, you would not like your infant to grow as an adult with a flat head. The correction has to be made in the infancy stages itself. There is no cause for worry as only a simple corrective pillow such as the Bison head pillow, can help in shaping your baby’s head to normal. Flat heads in infants develop on account of their continuous one side sleeping position. The skull of the newborn is soft and flexible and hence it is susceptible to pressure. Parents give tummy time to their babies by placing them on their belly on some firm surface for 15 minutes at least 3 or 4 times in a day. However, this is not possible with a newborn or a 2 months baby. This is where baby pillows are put to best use. Sometimes a little bit of flattening of the head goes off on its own but if it shows more serious flattening, you cannot ignore this. There are chances that this condition would not go completely and before this happens, you need to go in for pillow hole to arrest the condition.

Remember the care you take of your baby in the initial months especially when it comes to prevention of flat head issues, is going to go a long way. No adult would like to have a flat head and if you have one, it is because in your infancy, your parents have been negligent about this fact. Get a Bison head pillow for your baby and watch it sleep soundly all through the night. A baby that sleeps well is always a cheerful baby, unlike the cranky ones who hardly sleep. Getting the right types of baby pillows can prove to be beneficial in improving your baby sleeping patterns. Babies too are sensitive and even the slightest of discomfort, can evade them from sleeping peacefully. 

For more information click on this link Read more.

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